Scope - Internal and External Context

About Zihni Shipping Agency

Our agency, while providing the services requested by customers, acts in accordance with the standards established in line with our quality policy and is based on customer satisfaction by providing the promised service under the best conditions and completely. Agency standards established to prevent non-compliances that may arise during the delivery of the requested services are also included in this scope.

The exclusive product of our agency is service. The service that is served to Vessel customers is product of our company. Scope of this product may change based on vessel’s features and customers’ requests. the scope our agency’s service includes general cargo, bulk solid-liquid Cargo and many other purposes vessels that pass through the Turkish Straits in transit or free practice and load and discharge all kinds of Cargo at the ports.

Shipping trade or Merchant marine Works cannot exist without agency. A vessel going to a foreign port definitely needs some local people in order to be able to do business in that port, first of all, to know the laws, customs and current situation of the port to which it will go. Even if the laws and customs are known beforehand, not knowing language of the country and not having work permit require a person who is capable of all these things that are mentioned. It may cause greater costs and loss of time if the vessel handles its own transactions in the port of destination. For instance; before a vessel arrives at a Turkish port, it may request that necessary preparations be made for the Cargo to be loaded or unloaded by informing its agent at that port of the date of its arrival. To Express it more clearly, the berth, the future guide, the workers arranged before the ship arrives, the ship is met, and if the berthing place is ready, it is berthed there.

If the ship tried to make these on its own, it would not be possible for it to prepare any of them beforehand. For these reasons, it can be said that it is not possible to trade ships without an agency. The provisions regarding agency in the Turkish commercial law begin with article 116 of the eighth chapter, under the agency title. This article describes agency as follows. An agent is a person who makes it his profession to act as an intermediary in contracts that concern a commercial enterprise on a permanent basis in a certain place or region, without a natural title such as a commercial representative, agent, sales officer or employee, and to make them on behalf of that enterprise.

In Zihni Shipping Agency, this system has been established in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard and works in accordance with this standard. In addition, our agency is a member of the Association of Ship Owners and Agents, and within the framework of the activities of the association, it updates the annual publications of TCDD's Port Services Tariff and TDI's Port Services Tariff every year and takes references every year, with the service fee tariff published in the official gazette and accepted in return for the services provided to customers.

Zihni Shipping Agency:

Neighborhood of Kemankeş Tophane Iskele Street No: 12 Zihni Han Beyoğlu İstanbul/Türkiye

T: +90 212 251 15 15 (50 lines Pbx)
F: +90 212 293 8923


Zihni Shipping Agency scope determined as Shipping Agency Services.

Shipping Operation and Agency Services: Zihni Shipping provides with its experienced and competent team to meet the requirements of the vessels in order to fulfill the legal requirements of the country during their entry and exit from all ports of Turkey.

Company Services

Tanker operations

Turkish Straits Transit Services

Port agency services

Vessel breakdown repairement and shipyard services

Offshore operations

Yacht and cruise vessels agency services

agency services in energy field

Inapplicable Articles

Design and Improvement:

Zihni Shipping carry out a service with defined rules in order to meet the legal requirements at the entrance and exit of the Bosphorus of the ships coming to Turkey. For this reason, this item has been excluded since there is no design and development planning in the service it provides.

Validity of Process to Provide Production and Service:

Since there is no processes in our company where the outputs are not verified and/or errors ocur after shipment this article is out of scope.

Outsourced Proces

Shipping agency service is provided for regions outside the agency services authorization certificate and this service is defined as an outsourced process.

Internal and External Matters:

It is defined with Internal and External Matters table, the risks and opportunities are determined with SWOT analysis. The actions of determined risks and opportunities  are reviewed with institutive risk analysis.